Interested in collaboration & affiliation with us ?

Collaboration Roles at Trend n Trove

  1. Brand Ambassador

    • Role: Represent and promote Trend n Trove through social media and events.
    • Responsibilities: Share our products on social platforms, engage with followers, attend events, and provide feedback on new collections.
    • Requirements: Must follow us on social media, Strong social media presence, excellent communication skills, and a genuine love for fashion.
  2. Influencer Partner

    • Role: Collaborate with Trend n Trove to create engaging content.
    • Responsibilities: Feature our products in your posts, stories, and videos; write reviews; and host giveaways or contests.
    • Requirements: Must follow us on social media, Active and engaged followers, high-quality content creation, and a passion for fashion.
  3. Affiliate Marketer

    • Role: Drive sales and traffic to Trend n Trove through unique affiliate links.
    • Responsibilities: Share affiliate links on your blog, website, or social media; track sales; and provide performance reports.
    • Requirements: Experience in affiliate marketing, an established online presence, and analytical skills.
  4. Fashion Blogger

    • Role: Write detailed and engaging blog posts about Trend n Trove products and fashion trends.
    • Responsibilities: Create content that highlights our collections, offers style tips, and shares your personal experiences with our brand.
    • Requirements: Strong writing skills, a well-maintained blog, and a passion for fashion and trends.
  5. Event Collaborator

    • Role: Partner with Trend n Trove to host or participate in fashion events.
    • Responsibilities: Plan, promote, and execute events that feature our brand; collaborate on event themes; and engage with attendees.
    • Requirements: Event planning experience, excellent organizational skills, and a network of industry contacts.
  6. Creative Partner

    • Role: Contribute to the visual and creative aspects of Trend n Trove.
    • Responsibilities: Work on photo shoots, video production, graphic design, and other creative projects.
    • Requirements: Proven creative skills, a portfolio of relevant work, and the ability to collaborate effectively with our team.

Note: Our market places are EU,UK,AU,USA and Canada and Please Keep in mind that we will only accept collaborating if you meet our requirements.

Interested in collaborating? Contact us at to start a stylish journey together with Trend n Trove!